Tech Thursday Annual Event: Entomology and Potluck BBQ
When: See Calendar Where: Watt Avenue Bridge American River Access Interested in learning more about aquatic insects? Join us for our annual entomology lab/ barbecue under the Watt Avenue Bridge and discover what the fish are dining on! The Entomology class is taught by Ken Davis, an aquatic biologist, and CFFU member. It will be partly lecture to help you identify what aquatic insects may be residing in the American River. This will be followed by in-the-water bug collecting. After learning the techniques for bug collecting, groups try to collect a wide variety of invertebrates. If attendees can correctly identify one of the aquatic insects in their group’s sample, they will be entered in the raffle for a box of flies. The in-the-water activity will be followed by a barbecue: hamburgers, hotdogs and delicious potluck foods brought by all - appetizers, salads, or dessert. We will have a sign-up sheet at the June General Meeting. The cost is $10 for the hamburgers/dogs and beverage. If you will not be attending the General Meeting, but would like to attend the barbecue please reply to Jeff Stephens ([email protected]) so we know how much food to buy. You can pay the $10 at the barbeque. |
Be sure to bring a chair as there is no seating available. Also please bring your CFFU name badge. Other items to bring: water, shoes to wet wade, or waders and boots, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, and any bug collecting equipment you have and a pot-luck dish. There is a $5 charge for park entrance (or an annual pass). This class fulfills one of the requirements for the Coachman Program. There will be no separate social this month as this is a terrific social event.
Don’t hesitate to call Jeff Stephens (916) 838-7513 if you have any questions. Hope to see you there! |